Our Story

We are a third-generation farm in SW Minnesota that concentrates on raising quality beef in a low stress, comfortable, and healthy environment. Our farm utilizes many tools such as DNA testing, actual scan data, and EPD’s to continually improve our herd and products. We are excited to offer the same beef our family enjoys to you, as well as give you updates on what is happening on our farm! Feedback is always welcomed, and we would love to hear from you!

Jordan’s grandparents grew up in Nebraska and came up North to Minnesota on a fishing trip in 1955 and happened upon a farm for sale. Needless to say, they didn’t spend much time fishing, but did end up buying the farm. So they moved up to the farm from Nebraska and had a diverse operation. Over the years our farm has seen dairy cattle, beef cattle, hogs, chickens, ducks, geese, and various crops from corn and beans, to cover crops and sorghum. When Jordan’s grandparents retired his parents stepped in to run the farm. Currently we raise cattle, hay, and row crops and with any luck, our kids will have the opportunity to be the fourth generation to run the farm!

“We believe everyone should have the access to Quality, Nutritious, Affordable Meat, that is Raised Locally and Responsibly. “

Our cattle’s health, comfort, and care has always been the unanimous #1 concern of our operation. Our cattle enjoy pastures all summer and fall, and are then brought home before winter for better care throughout the cold and calving months. Nutrition is something we never cut corners on. While the cattle are home, that are provided grass hay, alfalfa, corn silage, and a mineral program to ensure that their nutritional needs are more than met. Also through the cold months, our cattle are provided fresh bedding and wind protection. Healthy, comfortable cattle is the goal. Simply put, we do everything we can to provide the best environment possible.